Sunday, November 24, 2019




     The calendar indicates that it's time to "T up"; not as in golf.  Rather,  in the "T" words that accompany this season:  turkey, tummies, time, touchdowns, t.v., together-ness, travel, traffic, tempers,  toys, tots, therapy, trees (as in 'when can we put up the Christmas tree?'), tradition, thanks, and, oh, yea, Thanksgiving. Likely, you have additional "t" words to add.

    At the risk of being "thanktamonious" (please forgive),  I nominate 'Thankful' as the most  desirable attribute for the season as well as for living.  Thankful for what ? the  cynic and the wounded could ask.  Well, for some, there is the old guilt-inducing Count your blessings, name them one by one . . .".   Nor do I find  winsome the attitudes of  entitlement and  exclusivity,  as in "We are special and we deserve..."  Instead, gratitude  cultivates kindness, 'play it forward', sharing whatever bounty one has, and magnanimous actions and attitudes, to mention a few conditions of the heart. For sure, I am hardly fully  there yet but I believe that   THANKFULNESS   is one of life's  Main Things.

1 comment:

  1. I think you have come up with the perfect theme for Thanksgiving and for thanksgiving (as in giving thanks), Ron. And may I add, although I won't (here at least) count out my blessings, I am very thankful for our long term friendship? Satchel and me.
