Saturday, September 17, 2016

Family Treasure

    Today is Aunt Rachel's 89th Birthday !

I have written about her in previous posts and today seems a good time to tell her (and you) what an extraordinary gift she continues to be for all of us.  The youngest of mom's siblings, she keeps a pace of life and interests that inspires.  Still drives herself 'most anywhere she chooses, maintains her own residence, cooks, converses around a broad range of subjects and exudes love for numerous family and friends.  And, now there is a new great-grandson .

     Cooking has long been one of her great talents.  When her son operated a restaurant in their hometown, Rachel's chicken and dumplings were a once a week menu item and were always sold out.  Perhaps she has prepared them too many times; now she insists that she does not even particularly enjoy them.  However, "If you cook them, they will come . . ."  Within the past few years, she has twice prepared appreciated feasts for my brothers and our wives and other family members.

"We will have chicken and dumplings . . ."

She and I have an ongoing age reminder between us . . . for about half a year there is but a ten year difference in our ages.  Consequently, she has been a blend of aunt/big sister for me over my 78 years. Last Spring, I wrote about her giving me her parents' grand-father clock which is now  faithfully keeping time and chiming on a table to my right.  It's a nice reminder that we, like it, have been ticking away for a long time.  May we  remain "wound up" for a long time to come !

   Her immersion in life continues to remind us that "when you have seen one older person, you haven't seen them all !" 

With two of her nieces last Spring

With her son (in green shirt), my brothers and me last Spring

Happy Birthday, Rachel ! Keep on ticking . . . 


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