"In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather within 24 hours." Mark Twain
Once upon a long time ago, all the students in our one building school (grades one through twelve) were assembled weekly in the auditorium for a 'program' of varying descriptions. Sometimes it might be a local clergy person giving us a 'now, do the right thing' sermonette; once a year there was a drama group called the Sauline Players which toured North Carolina schools for many years. But in the 'why in the world do I remember that ?' group there is a memory of Fourth Grade teacher, Miss Edith Maynard, annually having us sing-a-long with " 'tis Springtime, 'tis Springtime, Cold Winter has passed; The birds are returning, their songs fill the air. . ." Well, the elusive and capricious season officially arrived a few days ago. But, don't tell the elements that. We have enjoyed a few days of above 70* temperatures and now there is a frost warning ! ... a kind of bad April Fool's joke. And, we will not even talk about the monsoon season. But ... the colors are beginning to decorate the landscape all around. And, indeed the 'birds are returning': we have seen species at our deck feeder that have long been in warmer climates.
Did you ever memorize a 'speech' for public recitation? Probably not, unless you are of 'a certain age' but this was once a common Spring staple of the school year. I remember the opening line (but no more ) of my third grade spell-binder: "My mamma says I have Spring Fever !" When I reached high school, my teammates and I looked forward to being allowed to leave classes early and go to the gymnasium and dress in our uniforms for baseball games. The lasting joy of Spring, however, is the reminder of new beginnings. I know, some folks favor Winter as 'their season'. But Spring signals HOPE. For good reason, the Christian faith has placed Easter in this time of the year in the Northern hemisphere. As a small celebration of the transition, today we ordered more daffodils and day lilies to add to our landscape.
"What time is it ? "You mean now ?" One of Yogi Berra's many word-plays, like "When you come to a fork in the road, take it" and "Baseball is 90% mental and the other half physical". But his response about time is the one that comes to mind just now. Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday... the 'Spring ahead' part of the formula when 'time will fly'. Will be a bit darker when many folks wake up but the 'day is longer' on the other end. You know, like cutting off an end of a blanket and sewing it to the other end to make it all longer. As an idea, DST has a long history. Apparently, Benjamin Franklin advocated the practice. Still, it is not universally observed, even in the United States. With the exception of the Navajo Nation, Arizona remains on 'Standard' time. The transition can be difficult, especially in the first few days. Our dog has problems understanding why necessities like breakfast, bedtime, and 'bathroom' have been rescheduled. Many of us humans experience similar dissonance until our rhythms have adjusted. NBC has on its app several recommendations for easier acclimation. Then there are the 'minor' inconveniences. A current church joke asks, "Do you know what comes after the final hymn in the worship service?" Answer: People who forgot to reset their clocks. In the 1980's as I was concluding a morning service, looking out the window, I saw N.M. parking her car. She was a tad embarrassed. And, when teaching, I noticed that the students in the 8 a.m. class were somewhat less interested in the collapse of the Roman Empire. (Full disclosure: So was I) I have found that after a few days the dissonance subsides and I enjoy DST and would advocate for its being year round. 'Spring Ahead !' Satchel