Wednesday, December 26, 2018


      Or, as the Romans might have said it: Tempus Fugit !
And, here's a similar truism  : "Time and Tide wait for None"  Not very long ago I resonated with the quip, "Inside every old person is young person wondering what the heck happened"  Here at the almost end of another year as I move towards an 81st birthday, the Simon and Garfunkel words carry especial poignancy: "Slow down, you're moving too fast !!"

    Several recent experiences have focused my awareness of this phenomenon:  First, in late November while reviewing dates on inactive client charts I was struck by the awareness that those I  thought were just recently terminated had been closed for 8 or 10 years or longer.

    Then, my daughter posted  pictures of our two grand-children next to their Christmas tree ---one was when they were wee kidders ten years ago.  This year when she and her husband realized that the teenagers were taller than the tree itself, they had to build a platform for the tree.  But then, their mom was that  size 'the day before yesterday' !

    This Christmas we returned to the same coastal area where we have frequently vacationed, most recently the previous two holiday seasons.  Passing familiar locales conjured memories of events we thought occurred recently but upon closer review, we realized happened way back then.

     Well, then, is there a 'lesson' or a 'moral' or a 'truism' for me within all the above?  Closest that I have been able to ascertain thus far is Carpe Diem --- "seize the day" --- (which contrary to one wag does not mean 'the catch of the day' nor the full Latin quote which some 'translate' as  'eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow you may die'.)  I tend more towards something like 'be grateful for each day I have; for enriching memories and for Hope for the future.  And, I know, it all can sound  idealistic or naive.  But I believe it comes close to what the Psalmist had in mind when he prayed, "Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom". (Psalm 90:12).




  1. It scares me how time flies, and it makes me want to do exactly what you're recommending -- live fully in the present moment. Thanks for this.


  2. The first Christmas without our youngest present since her birth just passed. Been a bit hard for my wife, but not as much for me as have always looked well down the road and have long contemplated the arrival of this event. Other things remain the same ... more or less.
    Are now in my hometown as we have made the post-Christmas journey since the start of our marriage. So the "more" part is more years; the "less" part is less people to visit.
    My wife prefers "seize the day" as the meaning. Seems reasonable.
    Do you recall the song with the lyrics, "Enjoy yourself; it's later than you think. Enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink?"

    Good as as a motto!
