Monday, February 15, 2016

Monday 'moaning' Snow


      What is it about Monday morning that makes it such a perpetual seven day hurdle for much of the Western world's work force ?
(Perhaps you noticed that the profile is drawn rather tightly !  Many are unemployed and do not have the 'luxury' to complain.  Life grinds hard.)  With that  caveat . . . It's Monday morning at my office and I have seen but few of my co-workers. None of us exuded great energy. My full day of client appointments has been reduced to three sessions. Perhaps it is the overcast 'how-long-O, Lord, how-long must we have weary Winter' pall that afflicts us today.  But wait . . . some seem actually excited that we are under a Winter Storm Warning. Most school systems in the area are closed today. Forecasts call for more freezing precipitation later today.  Given the negative single digits temps in the Northeastern part of the US where a brother lives, our slight accumulations of snow/ice receive no sympathy from there.

    And, if that accumulation of snow and ICE (another matter entirely) brings interruptions for Tuesday's schedule, mornings such as that appear custom made for snoozing, or time for one more leisurely cup of coffee, catching up on 'paper work', staying close to home (except I am 65 miles away from mine; so I'll stay close to my home away from home), and other modes of expending slight energy.  Within that, if  we listen closely, maybe we can hear Annie extolling the virtues of "Tomorrow".  Who knows, perhaps the Weather folks may be  correctly forecasting warmer temps tomorrow and for the remainder of the week.  Seeing rescheduled clients on Thursday might be a viable alternative to Monday-Morning-itis.

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